The best bar and cafe on Sydney's world famous Bondi Beach.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

The Crew - October 2007

It's been pretty quiet over winter. Not too much to get excited about.

Daylight saving starts tonight and we're getting back into gear for summer. There are some new faces and some old faces in the Crew.

We got Italians, Brazilians, Spaniards, Swedes, Mexicans and French but somehow the customers get served!

Paolo, Raffi and Adriano are still with us. Fernando has come on board. Raffi makes the best coffee in Bondi Beach and Adriano is king of the breakfasts, and lunches and ,,, Paolo keeps everyone on the ball and Fernando is learning from the experts.

Lots of new girsl - Jess and Adriana from Mexico, Malin from Sweden, Caroline from France. Lisa must have been having a day off - she's from Sweden too.

You mightn't believe it, but they do work hard ....

...... most of the time!

It's not often Stevo gets a look in and here he looks pretty squeezed by the heavies!


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